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This is long, but choked full of info regarding Obama & Pakistan.

We know for a fact from Obama’sown admission that at the coming of age he sought out those who did not like this country and he also traveled with those who were not of this country. He was able to enter Pakistan during their time of civil war. He resided and traveled in Pakistan with one of the most prominent opposition leaders there per these reports by Intl News/Pakistan, ABC News & former assit. US Attorney, Andrew McCarthy.
McCarthy writes: “By contrast, the question whether Obama ever was an Indonesian citizen is still unresolved, as are such related matters as whether the foreign citizenship (if he had it) ever lapsed, and whether he ever held or used an Indonesian passport — for example, during a mysterious trip to Pakistanhe took in 1981, after Zia’s coup, when advisories warned Americans against traveling there. By the way, many details about that journey, too, remain unknown. Obama strangely neglected to mention it in his 850 pages of autobiography, even though the 20-year-old’s adventure included a stay at the home of prominent Pakistani politicians.”
The Intl News/Pakistan:
Soomro was among Obama’s hosts in Pakistan

Thursday, April 24, 2008
NEW YORK: Chairman Senate Muhammadmian Soomro may be having a friend in White House if Barak Hussain Obamafinallysucceeds in his presidential bid.Hardly a few people know about Soomro’s link with Obama, which he never discussed it in public. But in private interactions with influential Pakistanis here in the US, Obama disclosed that Soomro’s father was his host when he went on a hunting expedition in Jacobabad during his visit to Pakistan in 1981.(snip)
Ahmadmian Soomro had also served in banking industry and was considered a pioneer in cooperative banking. By the time Soomro’s father had hosted Obama, he was only a college student who went to Pakistan on his way from Indonesia where his mother was working with the Ford Foundation’s micro credit finance project. Also Obama’s mother was a frequent traveller to Pakistan and according to Time Magazine, she had a little bit proficiency in speaking Urdu.
When Soomro was asked about the person who referred Obama to his father, he said he nowadays lived in some country in South America. He was, however, reluctant to disclose his identity, saying he will have to seek permission from that man before giving his profile.Although, Obamahas not disclosed his link with Soomro, he mentioned it during his canvassing campaign while talking to a Pakistani American, ShahidAhmadKhan, member of Board of Trustees Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Your time spent living in and visiting Muslim countries has become a national security threat: The following facts that were discovered from Barack Obama’s previously unrevealed trip to Karachi, Pakistan and Hyderabad, India in the Summer of 1981 in the “private” San Francisco fundraiser of early April 2008 that gave rise to the “Bittergate” controversy exposed on the Huffington Post and Hannity & Colmes, among others.
According to the report of Larry Rohter of April 10, 2008, in The New York Times, the Obama campaign staff, when questioned about the revelation of Obama’s 1981 trip to Karachi, stated: “Mr. Obama visited Pakistan in 1981, on the way back from Indonesia, where his mother and half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, were living. He spent ‘about three weeks’ there, Mr. Obama’s press secretary, Bill Burton, said, staying in Karachi with the family of a college friend, Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, but also traveling to Hyderabad, in India.” That information is significant for two reasons. First and foremost is the fact that Mohammed Hasan Chandoo is a radical Muslim who with his relatives operate a website that is anti-Semitic and anti-American and supports radical Islamic politics.
Go to , the home page of the Chandoo brothers, with a links to the Chandoo brothers favourite sites. Not only are the sites anti_American and anti-Semitic, they are anti-women, with several vulgar references to the distasteful Shia Muslim practice of “muttah.” Shia recognize muttah as an accepted practice. It is a short term marriage where by a contract states the length of the marriage and the consideration to be paid. In reality, muttah is a purported short-term marriage, whereby poor Pakistani and Indian Muslims often “pimp” their own daughters to Middle-East tourists for a few rupees when visiting the Indian Sub-Continent. Elitist Muslims use muttah to as a means to exploit poor attractive young woman and girls just reaching puberty for a few rupees. If Obama befriended the Chandoo brothers, as claimed by his campaign, what does that say about his “judgment?”
Many young fundamentalist Muslim “scholars” have traveled to Hyderabad to witness what they believed was stolen from Islam by India’s Hindu majority. Karachi is a favoured spot for young radical Muslims because Pakistan was the first former British colony that abandoned English common law for Islamic law following the coup d’etat of General Mohammed Zia who overthrew the democratically elected government of Ali Bhutto in the late 1970s. Indeed, Barack Obama admitted that he traveled to Karachi while under military rule of madman and dictator General Zia. These new revelations about Obama’s college travels to Karachi and Hyderabad raise the question of whether Obama is a Muslim apostate, a question muzzled by Obama’s constant incantation that he is a 20 year member of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. One wonders why, if Obama was always a Christian, he was “baptised” by Pastor Jeremiah Wright Jr. as an adult.
In Karachi, he stayed with the family of a college friend, Muhammad Hasan Chandoo. Chandoo is now a self-employed financial consultant, living in Armonk in Westchester County, New York. When contacted, Chandoo said that he would not comment about his relations with his “friend”. According to The Times, he has donated the maximum, $2,300, to Obama’s primary campaign and an additional $309 for the general elections. During the speech, Obama said that because of his trip to Pakistan, “I knew what Sunni and Shia was, before I joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.” During his years at Occidental College, Obama also befriended Wahid Hamid, a fellow student who was an immigrant from Pakistan and travelled with Obama there, the Obama campaign said. Hamid is now a vice president at PepsiCo in New York, and according to public records, has donated the maximum $2,300 to the Obama campaign and is listed as a campaign fundraiser. Hamid was not available for comment as he is travelling abroad, his office said.
The simple truth is that by Obama’s own numerous accounts there are different versions of the purported truth as to whether his mother was an atheist , an agnostic, or a deeply spiritual person who provide Obama with religious reading material from various religions. Why has the press not looked further into this bundle of contradictions from the printed words of Dreams of My Father to Obama’s own public statements and his campaign’s inconsistent responses to press inquires. The critical question to be answered is not whether Obama is now a Christian as opposed to being a Muslim, but whether Obama was ever a Muslim, as numerous friends and teachers have unequivocally indicated before Obama announced his candidacy for President in February 2007.
Obama should be called to publicly dispute the credible evidence indicating that Obama is a Muslim apostate because Obama himself, as well as his campaign website have made it an issue by publicly proclaiming,
“Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, And Is a Committed Christian.“
Obama’s previously undisclosed and unrevealed trip to Karachi and to Hyderabad are troubling in light of Obama’s Dreams of My Father accounts of a Muslim heritage and the unbiased reporting of Los Angeles Times Djakarta Bureau Chief Paul Watson’s on site investigation of Obama’s prior practice of Islam reported in the March 16, 2007 edition of the Los Angeles Times. There Watson wrote:
” Obama’s campaign aides have emphasized his strong Christian beliefs and downplayed any Islamic connection. The Illinois senator was raised ‘in a secular household in Indonesia by his stepfather and mother,’ his chief spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said in a statement in January after false reports began circulating that Obama had attended a radical madrasa, or Koranic school, as a child. “
‘To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago,’ Gibbs’ Jan. 24 [2007] statement said.
In a statement to The Los Angeles Times on Wednesday[March 14, 2007], the campaign offered slightly different wording, saying: ‘Obama has never been a practicing Muslim.’ The statement added that as a child, Obama had spent time in the neighborhood’s Islamic center.”
Daily Times..A New Voice for Pakistan
Friday, April 11, 2008
Obama visited Pakistan in 1981 NEW YORK: Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama has cited a 1981 visit to Pakistan while he was a college student in a bid to counter rivals’ accusations that he lacks foreign policy experience.
He spoke of his trip to Pakistan while speaking to supporters at a fund-raiser in San Francisco on Sunday night, according to a dispatch in The New York Times on Thursday.
In 1981, Obama visited his mother and sister Maya in Indonesia and then travelled to Pakistan. According to Obama, he was in Karachi for about three weeks and then visited Hyderabad in India.

X-TRA READING ON OBAMA MUSLIM HERITAGE from various mainstream national news sources

117 posted on 01/09/2010 5:45:59 PM PST by patlin (1st SCOTUS of USA: "Human life, from its commencement to its close, is protected by the common law.")
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To: patlin

Another reminder from NRO piece by Andrew McCarthy(former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. He was most notable for leading the 1995 terrorism prosecution against Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman) from last July...

Throughout the 2008 campaign, Barack Hussein Obama claimed it was a “smear” to refer to him as “Barack Hussein Obama.” The candidate had initially rhapsodized over how his middle name, the name of the prophet Mohammed’s grandson, would signal a new beginning in American relations with the Muslim world. But when the nomination fight intensified, Obama decided that Islamic heritage was a net negative. So, with a media reliably uncurious about political biographies outside metropolitan Wasilla, Obama did what Obama always does: He airbrushed his personal history on the fly.

Suddenly, it was “just making stuff up,” as Obama put it, for questioners “to say that, you know, maybe he’s got Muslim connections.” “The only connection I’ve had to Islam,” the candidate insisted, “is that my grandfather on my father’s side came from [Kenya]. But I’ve never practiced Islam.” Forget about “Hussein”; the mere mention of Obama’s middle initial — “H” — riled the famously thin-skinned senator. Supporters charged that “shadowy attackers” were “lying about Barack’s religion, claiming he is a Muslim.” The Obamedia division at USA Today, in a report subtly titled “Obama’s grandma slams ‘untruths,’” went so far as to claim that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother is a Christian — even though a year earlier, when Obama’s “flaunt Muslim ties” script was still operative, the New York Times had described the same woman, 85-year-old Sara Hussein Obama, as a “lifelong Muslim” who proclaimed, “I am a strong believer of the Islamic faith.”(snip)

The overwhelming evidence is that Obama was born an American citizen on Aug. 4, 1961, which almost certainly makes him constitutionally eligible to hold his office. I say “almost certainly” because Obama, as we shall see, presents complex dual-citizenship issues. For now, let’s just stick with what’s indisputable: He was also born a Kenyan citizen. In theory, that could raise a question about whether he qualifies as a “natural born” American — an uncharted constitutional concept.(snip)

How many Americans know, for example, that as a sitting U.S. senator in 2006, Obama interfered in a Kenyan election, publicly ripping the incumbent government (a U.S. ally) for corruption while he was its guest and barnstorming with his preferred candidate: a Marxist now known to have made a secret agreement with Islamists to convert Kenya to sharia law, and whose supporters, upon losing the election, committed murder and mayhem, displacing thousands of Kenyans and plunging their country into utter chaos?

The aforementioned Indonesian interval in Obama’s childhood is instructive. Obama and the media worked in tireless harmony to refute any indication that he had ever been a Muslim. It’s now apparent, however, not only that he was raised as a Muslim while living for four years in the world’s most populous Islamic country, but that he very likely became a naturalized citizen of Indonesia.(snip)

Under Indonesian law, adoption before the age of six by an Indonesian male qualified a child for citizenship. According to Dreams from My Father, Obama was four when he met Lolo Soetoro; his mother married Soetoro shortly thereafter; and Obama was already registered for school when he and his mother relocated to Jakarta, where Soetoro was an oil-company executive and liaison to the Suharto government. That was in 1966, when Obama was five. Obama attended Indonesian elementary schools, which, in Suharto’s police state, were generally reserved for citizens (and students were required to carry identity cards that matched student registration information). The records of the Catholic school Obama/Soetoro attended for three years identify him as a citizen of Indonesia. Thus Obama probably obtained Indonesian citizenship through his adoption by Soetoro in Hawaii. That inference is bolstered by the 1980 divorce submission of Ann Dunham and Lolo Soetoro, filed in Hawaii state court. It said “the parties” (Ann and Lolo) had a child (name not given) who was no longer a minor (Obama was 19 at the time). If Soetoro had not adopted Obama, there would have been no basis for the couple to refer to Obama as their child(snip)

By contrast, the question whether Obama ever was an Indonesian citizen is still unresolved, as are such related matters as whether the foreign citizenship (if he had it) ever lapsed, and whether he ever held or used an Indonesian passport — for example, during a mysterious trip to Pakistan he took in 1981, after Zia’s coup, when advisories warned Americans against traveling there. By the way, many details about that journey, too, remain unknown. Obama strangely neglected to mention it in his 850 pages of autobiography, even though the 20-year-old’s adventure included a stay at the home of prominent Pakistani politicians.(snip)

There’s speculation out there from the former CIA officer Larry Johnson — who is no right-winger and is convinced the president was born in Hawaii — that the full state records would probably show Obama was adopted by the Indonesian Muslim Lolo Soetoro and became formally known as “Barry Soetoro.” Obama may have wanted that suppressed for a host of reasons: issues about his citizenship, questions about his name (it’s been claimed that Obama represented in his application to the Illinois bar that he had never been known by any name other than Barack Obama), and the undermining of his (false) claim of remoteness from Islam.(snip)

cont. reading full article here:

127 posted on 01/09/2010 6:02:26 PM PST by patlin (1st SCOTUS of USA: "Human life, from its commencement to its close, is protected by the common law.")
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To: patlin
But in private interactions with influential Pakistanis here in the US, Obama disclosed that Soomro’s father was his host when he went on a hunting expedition in Jacobabad during his visit to Pakistan in 1981.(snip) Ahmadmian Soomro had also served in banking industry and was considered a pioneer in cooperative banking. By the time Soomro’s father had hosted Obama, he was only a college student who went to Pakistan on his way from Indonesia where his mother was working with the Ford Foundation’s micro credit finance project. Also Obama’s mother was a frequent traveller to Pakistan

Is it more than coincidence there seems to be an abundance of bankers running around? White grandma was in banking, Mama was in banking, MO lost her law license supposedly over some banking or other money underhanded dealings, there have been rumors of money laundering surrounding Hussein in Chicago along with the Fannie Mae and Rezko scandal, and a banker hosted Hussein in Pakistan. Now we have a banker's son tring to blow up a plane on Christmas Day and Hussein trying his hardest to ignore it and sweep it under the rug. Makes you wonder if some banking institute was involved in those locked away college scholarships and tuition payments.

240 posted on 01/10/2010 11:17:13 AM PST by bgill (The framers of the US Constitution established an entire federal government in 18 pages.)
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