I spent some time around Southport, NC. There's an old church ruin near there at Old Brunswick town. It was built originally around 300 years ago. Now, it is just a monument to some of those who left religious persecution, to come to a better place. My antecedents were Episcopalians, but I worship God now, myself. They've fallen off into homosexuality and open sin.
There were Roman Catholics that came here to one place, and Calvinists and Puritans that landed elsewhere, to escape the trouble brewing in their homelands. They all worshipped God as they saw fit. The original colonies were models of religious enclave. I doubt you would have gotten much agreement on the same matter from them. Many of them were ATHEISTS.
ALL men are created equal. It's not mine to define "men". God did that before we were a spark in our parents mind! Do you wish to promote tyranny and anarchy> I prefer to hang onto what we're got and defend it.
The First Amendment reads:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
From Proud Atheists site, I copied these thoughts. I am a Chrisian, but I was looking for words better than my own...:
The Second Amendment affords us the right to bear arms, but in no way does it require any type of firearms ownership nor is gun ownership a requirement to run for public office.
Our Constitution was written and tailored to afford us personal freedoms, not requirements to submit under peer pressure to conform to religious views and laws.
You don’t get it.
How hard is that to understand?
Really, how hard is that?