Thank you for your reply. I can only say this, if we as a nation give the government the right to determine which religions are valid and which religions they will allow to be shut down or silenced then we can be assured that the preaching of the gospel of Christ will soon be on the list of banned religious practices and that fundamentalist Christianity will be one of the first targets of the state, followed by evangelical Christanity and followed thereafter by all denominations that preach the Supremacy of Christ.
If you decide to travel this road by giving the state the power to declare Islam an invalid religion or give the State the power to shut it down or stop it’s outreach, then you can kiss your own first amendment rights goodbye.
If a group worships Moloch, are you ok with that? Freedom of religion and all.
I agree.
If the power to regulate religion were granted, orthodox Christianity (be it Protestantism, Catholicism or Orthodoxy) would be the FIRST to go. We would have some sort of "American Christian Church" along the lines of what the Chicoms have and it would be Rev. Wright style socialist humanism.