I had the fly swatter, belt, and in a bit of irony when I was four, a wooden spoon the two of us had put a happy face on during an arts and crafts session at an earlier time.
“...in a bit of irony when I was four, a wooden spoon the two of us had put a happy face on during an arts and crafts session at an earlier time.”
Ahh, cruel, cruel irony. And hilarity, of course.
My mom once used a belt of hers that had studs on it...once. I bided my timed and then I destroyed that belt, I separated the layers of leather, and threw every stud in the woods...then I buried the remains of the belt in my dirt hill...graveyard of many household items.
I destroyed the talisman, you see. Beat me with a spiked belt once...shame on you. Beat me with it twice...shame on me. For decades she denied spanking me with a “spiked belt(my term).” Recently, under questioning, she admitted in the presence of my wife that she just might recollect the event.
I’ve gotten 25 years of mileage out of that story, I still chuckle when I think back to that craziness.