Maybe, the truth is they know exactly where we are headed and their intentions aren’t so good to begin with. Maybe liberals ARE bad, greedy, egotistical freaking people, maybe they are the scum of the earth who love power and control, or maybe they are just dumb-ass stupids who have no knowledge of history, but good intended? I refuse to believe it any longer.
Me too! I may become the loneliest old man on Earth but I refuse to listen to the incoherent, idiotic sputterings of anyone who is too stupid to recognize this “health reform” for the evil that it is. People tell me such things as, “I don’t know enough about the details to know whether I really like it”. Screw the details, anyone with a brain knows that you don’t want the government taking over healthcare, they have screwed it up enough already. Friends don’t let friends drive drunk or vote Democrat. If they vote Democrat they ain’t no friend of mine, I might give them a second chance if they drive drunk 80)