Terrific. You're clearly smarter than they are, and more worldly than me - whom you characterize as a rube for believing two San Francisco homosexuals - who make a tidy income busting myths.
I'm interested in reading you mathematical calculations where your superior intellect and experience prove beyond doubt that a projectile weighing appx. 140 grains, traveling at it's terminal velocity for free-fall, can still manage to retain the appropriate level of force to penetrate a roof - to include the shingle, sheathing, plywood, insulation and drywall - and then deliver a fatal blow to a human skull.
Don't forget to include the part where your magic bullet, falling from it's apex, and losing all but minimum forward velocity, also manages to maintain the appropriate spin-rate to guarantee aerodynamic stability.
I look forward to your answer, professor.
You're the kind of idiot who would pack 120 grains of 3Fg into a Hawkin Gun without a patch, to "flatten out the trajectory." (I moved down the line so the shrapnel wouldn't get me...)
You're the one who shoots himself in the kneecap practicing his fast draw, bought a Model 29 because Dirty Harry had one, or uses a ghetto hold with a Glock, "because a .45 kicks too much..." and actually believes what he sees on TV.
I can't fix stupid, tho, and you know just enough to be dangerous.