This could be a prank, with a Koran thrown in to confuse things and get someone their 15 minutes of fame, but with a bomb scare in Dallas last month and a grenade launcher found in Houston last week--not to mention the terrible tragedy in Fort Hood--I am getting more nervous that a lot small Muslim cells are being given a go-ahead to stir things up, even here in Texas of all places.
With the same Imam giving orders to the Fort Hood shooter and the Nigerian underpants bomber, I think Obama is finally realizing that we're about to start calling him "Hussein" if he cannot or will not get on top of the Terrorist War that's was declared on us eight years ago.
I encourage you to go back to the thread about the "missile launcher" being found -- because when you re-read it, you'll learn ... I think starting somewhere on the second page of postings that it was NOT a missile launcher -- the type of TUBE the person had was from a type of missile laucher that is ONLY ONE-USE; use it once, and it can't be reloaded.
I guess in the army, you're supposed to flatten out the tube, but LOTS of them -the empty tubes - apparently make there way into the metals recycling market, and some people purchase them as curios or nicknacks for their collections.
It was a very interesting thread!