To: LostInBayport
I do the same on Directv. Sure makes flipping through the channels quicker when you don’t have so many bad channels to go through doesn’t it?
26 posted on
12/28/2009 10:23:04 PM PST by
(Kennedys float, Mary Jos don't)
To: pepperhead
I do the same on Directv. Sure makes flipping through the channels quicker when you don’t have so many bad channels to go through doesn’t it?
Sure does...I'm surprised they allow such a feature, because it lets the consumer realize how much unwanted crap is present. It makes the case for a la carte.
By the way, love your tag line. lol
60 posted on
12/29/2009 4:11:08 PM PST by
(When the riders in the cart outnumber those pulling the cart, the cart stops moving. My back hurts.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson