Letter this character wrote to the Seattle Weekly
back in 2000..
Keeping tabs on Carlson
Have you noticed how Republican gubernatorial candidate John Carlson never mentions his days at KVI radio [see “Carlson’s head trip,” 10/19]? Perhaps he is embarrassed by what he said when he wasn’t running for office. Anyone who listened to Carlson’s talk show knows that his current slick demeanor masks a radical agenda. I listened to Carlson and other hosts on KVI because it’s important to keep tabs on our nation’s right-wing extremists. KVI is home to Rush Limbaugh, the one who uses “FemiNazi” to describe any woman who doesn’t stay home barefoot and pregnant. Limbaugh endorsed Carlson for governor, which is hardly surprising considering that Carlson is almost as far right as the truly scary Ellen Craswell.
Carlson’s diatribes against liberals, environmentalists, homosexuals, and secular Americans were standard fare for hate radio. But it’s frightening to think that someone who spews disdain for entire segments of our society might gain the reins in Olympia. Gary Locke doesn’t hate, and he doesn’t polarize. Locke works for all citizens in this state, not just those of his own political party. Carlson has conveniently reinvented himself just in time for the election, but we all need to look beyond his slick talk. Concentrate on what he says, not on how he says it.
... Rush Limbaugh, the one who uses FemiNazi to describe any woman who doesnt stay home barefoot and pregnant.
Any person who would make such a demonstrably false and hostile statement -- a deliberately misleading statement cleary intended to foment anger -- should be dismissed out of hand as a contributor to any public forum.
Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, the Christian equivalent of the Taliban, have blamed AmericansAmericans!—for the terrorist attacks. Based on their twisted fundamentalist faith, these preachers believe their god is angry at Americans. Specifically, and conveniently, he’s angry at everyone that Falwell and Robertson hate: pro-choice Americans, feminists, homosexuals, and those who support the separation of church and state. The ACLU, NOW, People for the American Way, NARAL, and Americans United for Separation of Church and State are all to blame.
What is their god’s solution? Murder 5,000 innocent people. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. These fundamentalists believe that their god drowned most of the planet in a flood and ordered genocide and infanticide throughout the Old Testament. This is a barbaric belief system. And it is a dangerous belief system. Falwell and Robertson have essentially declared open season on large segments of the American population. If they believe it was justified for their god to punish us, then their followers will likely decide to continue the attacks.
Christian fundamentalists have already bombed abortion clinics and murdered doctors. We need to protect ourselves not just from Islamic fundamentalists, but from all religious extremists.
Matthew J. Barry
So he's a godless liar. Not only does he lie about what FemiNazi means, he lies about the endorsement, because Limbaugh doesn't endorse candidates.