You are correct, so why don't we stop the drunk drivers, kill all the terrorist, make sure guns are only used for self defense and hunting, etc. Then and only then will the gradual removal of rights be stopped. Oh wait, people need to use logic and goodness knows, not everyone is capable of doing that. You are more than welcome to voice your opinion that your rights are being violated. I will make sure MY RIGHT to free speech is not violated and will voice my opinion as well. Everyone that is of the opinion that your rights are being violated because lawful sobriety check points exist should be going after the drunks that caused the problem. Pretty sick that you don't, and it is even more pathetic that you spout the importance of preserving rights, but you and others have been less than civil relative to my right to have an opinion different than yours. So many fine upstanding Americans who have raped themselves in the Bill of Rights on this thread....NOT!
So in other words, "rights" are not inalienable and enduring, but rather are dependent upon the actions of third parties. Is that your claim?
If so, that's a terrible misunderstanding of the what a "right" really is. You should educate yourself as soon as possible.