This is just plain diddlypoop.
In our local Whole Foods, the whole healthcare flap did NOTHING to diminish business! The parking lot and the store were just as full of customers as usual. (The cars in the parking lot even still included those with obama bumper stickers—may God illumine these deluded people!) The only difference is that the employees were extra nice to us for awhile, and there were more samples.
So, at least at the local level, Mackey’s statement against Deathcare did not materially damage the company’s reputation. And I live in a deep blue state. So the radical-liberals are lying and scheming again, as usual.
My experience of shopping at Whole Foods (which I do weekly) is different from what you might expect. There are many Orthodox Christians, some of whom I know, and others whom I have met there. We’re shopping for fasting foods, among other things. I imagine that there are Jews looking for kosher food, too.
Whole Foods is all about health—physical—and for Orthodox Christians—spiritual as well. The vile, anti-human commuNazi Deathcare is about physical and spiritual death! So it’s right for the CEO of Whole Foods to oppose obama, his anti-human czars (commisars, really), and their satanic “health” care measures.
What’s so dumb is that government healthcare is going to be totally counter to the whole foods philosophy. There will never be coverage for natural supplements as opposed to pharmaceuticals. Healthy living will only apply to which group they can target. (overweight, junk food etc...) They only care about health to the extent that they can tax a behavior, not actually promote health. Guess I’ll be doing all my shopping elsewhere. I need to be gluten and casein free. Too bad I’m a conservative - the board losers don’t want my business.