It appears to me that someone forgot about time zone differences between Honolulu and Detroit. That would explain the three hour 'gap' as well as why WaPo cleaned up the article....they made a mistake. But no...we gotta have a conspiracy story and knee jerk responses.
Please cease getting yourself wrapped around the axle over your defense of Obama, you are embarrassing yourself and the state of Texas.
They didn't forget the time zone dfferences and they didn't make a mistake. They changed the article to try to conceal the gap in notification by putting the arrival time in the second paragraph, and the notification time in the last (now the third-to-last) with the time zone difference mentioned there, leaving the reader to determine that 'around' 1 pm (really 12:01 according to the airline - hell of a rounding error THERE) minus five hours is 'between' 9 am and 9:30 am (which it's not, of course). It looks like actually about a 2-1/2 hour, not 3, gap, which the WaPo has managed to round down to 60 - 90 minutes. Do that on your taxes and you'll spend a very bad day at the IRS.