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To: Indy Pendance
Got data? Did you see my page? This is the ron paul problem. Get a grip. Ron Paul is Ross Perot in drag. My son in law is doing tour #5. Did you see that???? Tour #5. Don't freaking tell me what 99% of the military thinks, you're a blowhard. I know more people than you've ever cared to know who've served, and I'm suspicious you've ever passed basic training.. Get lost you loser.

I didn't say 99% of the military, I said my UNIT (that's a batallion, in case you didn't know). And, to attack my opinion and my personal sacrifice (this my first Christmas home; have you ever spent a holiday at war?) is plain retarded, retard. I belong to E Co, 1-67 AR, 2-4 ID out of Fort Carson to be exact; a long way from BCT. You can go to to see proof of my deployment.....and your contribution to the United States? It's OK to disagree, which I did politely. But to be as you're being is absolutely unAmerican. Merry Christmas anyways; I actually fought for your right to be as you are. Your apology is accepted in advance.

28 posted on 12/25/2009 7:38:42 PM PST by Engineer_Soldier (My oath is to the Constitution, not to the state or the President.
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To: Engineer_Soldier
I'm not apologizing to you. This is an internet site, you can be joe blow wanna be military guy. I don't care if you spout any military creds. Merry Christmas to you, and realize, we're being attacked from foreign and DOMESTIC terrorists. If we don't kill them first, they'll kill us. That's their mission. So, you and your Ron Paul pacifist ilk can bask in the glory of the ruination of America. I'll not respond to you again, and yes I'm a degreed engineer.
31 posted on 12/25/2009 7:52:32 PM PST by Indy Pendance (Gone Galt)
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To: Engineer_Soldier

“I didn’t say 99% of the military, I said my UNIT”

But you said his kids in the military can attest to your claim, so you must have meant 99% of the military in general.

The number appears to be exaggerated to an extreme.

59 posted on 12/27/2009 8:39:13 PM PST by reasonisfaith (When liberal ideology is put into practice it accomplishes, universally, the opposite of its claims.)
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