Not hardly.
"These independents and Republicans supported Democrats based on a message indicating that the party would be a true Big Tent -- that we would welcome a diversity of views even on tough issues such as abortion, gun rights and the role of government in the economy."(Read the latter as deficit spending.)
The candidates that they ran beginning in 2006 espoused those ideas where needed too. Before 2006, the pubbies were getting almost half, if not half, of the independents and moderates. Starting in 2006, and continuing in 2008, the rats got those voters about three to two.
To retake Congress in 2006, the rats just railed about Iraq, Katrina, corruption and out of control spending. They only campaigned on pay as you go spending and recruited pro Second Amendment and pro-life candidates like Bob Casey in PA as needed to win. They most certainly moved to the right. Just aks yourself, when was the last serious gun grabbing bill by the rats in DC?
They put forward "moderates" starting in 2006 to get their Congressional majorities in Congressional Districts that were competitive. Any idiot who stayed home to teach the GOP a lesson must be really happy now.
Wrong. They got tossed because they were accused of doing the same things the Democrats are now doing.