"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
[[And we citizens need to form our local militia units immediately. All able bodied (and some of us not so able bodied) citizens need to be armed, supplied, and standing by. ]]
Do you htink it’s goign to come to that? Do you think the citizens have enough will to commit to that? A bunch of loosely organized militias is fine, but we’ll need a central organizing unit in order to be effective, and I’m not seeing anythign even remotely akin to htis- perhaps a thousand paper cuts (from loosely organized groups spread all over htep lace, hitting and running) can bring down giants, but again, I’m not sure hte country is ready for htis
Oh yes
but what if after this civilian security force is in place odumbo and dems pass some kind of law that the civilian police force should go door to door and tag all weapons?
Seeing what is going on with odumbo NOTHING is out of the realm of what he will do