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To: GourmetDan
I am shocked, shocked that you refuse to explain anomalous orbital velocities using real scientific evidence.

Yes, I know that it is hard to believe that I don't have all the answers. You will just have to learn to live with a little uncertainty in your life.

Not having all of the answers doesn't disprove anything.

That's got to be the strongest argument you've made to date.

You seem to have a problem with living with uncertainty. Science doesn't provide certainty. I would rather live with a little uncertainty than 'know' something that isn't true.

59 posted on 12/23/2009 12:58:21 PM PST by LeGrande (The government wants to take over the entire Health Care industry to fix Medicare and Medicaid.)
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To: LeGrande
"Yes, I know that it is hard to believe that I don't have all the answers. You will just have to learn to live with a little uncertainty in your life."

It isn't hard to believe that you don't have any answers at all. What I said was, "I am shocked, shocked that you refuse to explain anomalous orbital velocities using real scientific evidence." That you think that means it is "hard to believe that I don't have all the answers" only shows how uncertain your positions are.

"You seem to have a problem with living with uncertainty. Science doesn't provide certainty. I would rather live with a little uncertainty than 'know' something that isn't true."

You seem to have a problem with credulity. But I see that you characterize it as 'a little uncertainty' so that you can 'know' something that isn't true.

60 posted on 12/23/2009 1:06:29 PM PST by GourmetDan (Eccl 10:2 - The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.)
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