If you are capable of critical thinking, view how they mark the Obama Birth certificate story as false. Not uncertain, but false. Do they once mention that he has spent almost $2 Million preventing his records from being seen? Wouldn't that be part of the argument, if you were capable of thinking clearly? Ask yourself why wouldn't that be included in their argument?
Now you are beginning to think.
Look at the Bill Clinton murders. Are there any sentences given as to the known thuggery and coercion by his agents to U.S. citizens? You know, like when his thugs mentally hunted down Kathleen Wiley and killed her cat? Do you think they are not capable of further atrocities? Do you really think dozens of mysterious deaths, all tied to the Clintons, is a coincidence? Ask yourself questions.
Sometimes I think Snopes was created entirely to cover up for the Clinton Crimes.
Thanks to all for thinking a bit on this. The blanket statement that Snopes lies is not useful to those of us who use it to explain or dispell stories in chain emails or to quiet the fears of friends who believe something false about a virus attack. Snopes can be extremely helpful here.
That Snopes might lean left on political issues is a different thing and I do not consult Snopes on such. To say that the b/c issue is political is not to say that the “birthers” are falsely campaigning for an Obama downfall. It means only that there are opinions and advocacies on both sides. And in a political argument as opposed to a scientific argument, one cannot choose which facts are relevant.
Again thanks. I aske for two examples and you gave me two.