These people are really under the illusion that calling opponents (PRIVATE CITIZENS) all these things is going to make folks go “Well, I sure don’t want to be associated with THOSE groups, I guess I’ll support this healthcare thing!”
What I find sadder are the ones who are not paying attention. I had a conversation with a person who just hears news blurbs barely and she was excited when I said they had the 60 votes for the Healthcare bill (of course I had to explain what that meant) and she said GOOD! I need health insurance for my pap. I had to explain that A) You still had to pay, except now you pay the GOVERNMENT or go to jail. Whereas now you could pay the health insurance company or nothing. B) Even though you start paying NOW, you don’t actually get coverage until 2013.
Needless to say she was ticked off, but how many people are walking around in this same fog of obvliousness? Considering how the Dems are acting, they must be banking on a good many of them.
Well, these people are wrong! I don't really care what people like this fool calls me! I wear it as a badge of honor for people like him to hate me and what I stand for, because he stands for nothing!