She's a lowlife skank, but he's certainly no better, and he saw fit to build himself a 28,000 square foot home sporting, among other things, TWO theaters (because apparently he didn't see how he could get by with just one). So I really have no sympathy when he and his lawyers try to complain that Rielle's budget for herself and the baby is unjustifiably high. It's probably no more than the monthly electric bill for his mega-McMansion.
If Edwards didn't want any more children to support, he could certainly have gotten himself snipped and avoided all this. He and his wife were certainly well past having any more the natural way (and you can still have them the unnatural way after you're snipped). I seriously think he intentionally got her pregnant. Regretted it later, but it was intentional at the time he did it. These two deserve each other. Too bad about all the kids involved, though.
Right. He plays, he pays, PERIOD. No sympathy for the RAT