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To: j-damn

“Boy, it’s just been a bumper crop this past couple of weeks of blanket idiotic statements from commenters here in regards to stereotyping entire ethnic groups, hasn’t it? “

Can you hold your crying towel with those limp wrists of yours? I worry about you sensitive types.

You’re right, the black culture is decidedly non violent, and because you can find an example of a white woman being violent, that totally nullifies my observation. Black people are always peace loving, and don’t do things like shoot each other. Black women in particular are just sweet demure things. I acknowledge my error.

I also acknowledge that islam is a religion of peace.

And that progressives just want what’s best for people.

And feminists want equality not superiority.


112 posted on 12/17/2009 11:24:41 AM PST by brownsfan (The average American: Uninformed, and unconcerned.)
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To: brownsfan

*Can you hold your crying towel with those limp wrists of yours? I worry about you sensitive types.*

I love it when racists get defensive and lash out. You cannot prove my level of sensitivity by anything I’ve typed, but I can definitely prove your level of intellect.

*You’re right, the black culture is decidedly non violent, and because you can find an example of a white woman being violent, that totally nullifies my observation. *

Your ‘observation’ that all females of a certain hue are violent in regards to this matter is based on what, exactly? A man fell out of a truck? Brilliant. It’s no wonder you’re a Browns fan.

118 posted on 12/17/2009 3:51:32 PM PST by j-damn
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