Posted on 12/16/2009 11:41:24 AM PST by Nachum
The unemployment rate in Detroit fell slightly last month to 27 percent, according to preliminary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
But that official figure may not tell the whole story.
The Detroit News, using a broader definition of unemployment, reports that as many as 45 percent of the working-age Detroiters are without full-time employment.
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Where is all of that ‘Obama-money’?
How many were on welfare before, 45% anyway.
I remember the lady saying “it be Obama money.”
Where did he get it? “from his stash.”
What a nightmare. Liberalism.
I wonder what percnt of that 50% is Democrat, near 100 I expect.
Yet Michistan voted for their muzzie brother, Hussein 0bama.
So why stay? Everybody in this lousy town should pack up an leave. Staying makes no sense.
“Nearly 50 percent of Detroit’s working-age population is unemployed.”
And near 100% of those like it that way.
Its a cultural thing.
Dems and liberals should be furious that $6 million of stimulus went to Hillary’s pollster but it’s just easier to blame Bush and racism I suppose for the hopelessness in Detroit.
So then, what’s John Conyers and his charming wife doing about this mountain of unemployed people? Aren’t they for the people? I’ve always heard they were. Gosh. How can this happen?
Don’t look now, but America is fast becoming Detroit.
“So why stay? Everybody in this lousy town should pack up an leave. Staying makes no sense.”
I don’t understand it either.
Starnesville has come to life.
I’m sure that between all the handouts including food stamps, unemployment checks, etc. that they are enjoying the vacation. Cut off unemployment and they will riot. I wonder how many are getting help from the unions? I’m sure King Obama will come to their help.
Jennifer Granholm - stand up and be counted!
“So why stay? Everybody in this lousy town should pack up an leave. Staying makes no sense”.
On behalf of those of us in other parts of Michigan; please, by all means STAY IN DETROIT.. we don’t want you inflicting your “culture” on us.
Nooooo! Don’t encourage them to leave. I don’t want them infecting the rest of the country for Chrisesakes. Better would be to build a fence around the cesspool and force them to live in the mess that they’ve made.
So how many of these “unemployed” would take a job if it was offered to them? Or is it “racist” to ask?
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