I agree...Deferring the NJP procedure is a good thing...Cop-ping a plea to an Art. 15 would be tantamount to being guilty of something really really bad...
In this case the scumbag got a fat lip for resisting their custody during a transfer from what I recall...
But in reality someone or something is REALLY going to put the screws to the JAG to convict these guys for this minor offense...
And in the end, it will be another hit that the liberals can possibly get, and claim on the military in general...
And moral sinks even deeper...
But then again, what happens when the guys walk???
Somone will claim the trial was fixed...And that will go on for years, beating the military down even further...I’m concerned that this is a lose/lose situation...I hope I am wrong...
I agree with you that anti-military types want a conviction.