This is too funny. Now the website is down. They are scrubbing the site of incriminating information. How special.
hmmm...way back machine..anybody cache it...
Maybe they can be Tiger Wood’s next big sponsor. They seem to have a lot in common. BS’ing the general public.
They should be de-legitimized, de-funded, de-constructed, and de-populated from our planet. The truly young & innocent minds they have infected need to be de-programmed.
The de-struction they have caused is incalculable.
They need the time to delete incriminatory data, sanitize the rest, and make up the numbers required to show that this year will be the hottest year.....EVER!
What a bunch of maroons.
Given that the stuff that was up on the website was the result of the corrupted ‘science’ from the CRU, I’m not sure it can be characterized as information. Disinformation perhaps.
Will The Hystanic Hit the Iceberg? [Reader Post]
Wonder how many icebergs are floating in the Hysterical Sea and which one is going to take down the Hystanic. Still very little notice taken by the MSM regards Climategate , but the liberals are certainly coming down on Fox news as fudging the issue.Several commentaries are out there now suggesting that Skeptics are deliberately refusing to consider the evidence and that their denial of AGW is nothing but arguing against the settled science. That they have serious psychological issues and are in need of counseling. Sounds a like the old USSR that sent its dissidents to the Gulag for psychological indoctrination. So much for the dust bin of history.
As much as it is being downplayed, however, the average person is not so much a fool as the left would portray them to be. Polls show that belief in AGW is down to 57% from 81% two years ago, which is why the left is saying we need shock treatments.
The American media will not notice I would think
Obviously there is no evidence to support the deniers any longer.
Nothing to see here, move along.
ClimateGate marches on!
Dilbert posted: “This is too funny. Now the website is down. They are scrubbing the site of incriminating information. How special.”
The first time, I and probably most of us saw the enviro scrubbing and eliminating websites was during their Klamath Falls fiasco in 2001, when FR and many Freepers helped to stop heir planned economic destruction of farmers and ranchers in the Klamath River area to save a slimy and worthless fish.
We would find data on their sites that was often criminal in nature and post links to those sites. After a few weeks of this they started scrubbing their sites and sometimes eliminating them
Later that same year, there were a lot of forest fires due to their insane no logging, no clearance of brush/weeds and the closing of fire access roads. Some sites even praised how so called wildfires cleansed the forests.
Again, when we posted this data, the info site, would often disappear or the entire site would be scrubbed.
Is this that “chill wind” that Tim Robbins was talking about years ago? ;)
Libs often tell me to “look at the science”.
It’s kind of funny because there is no science to look at - these guys deleted their information years ago.
snicker snort....lmao.........who has the popcorn???? LOL!
During RealClimate’s start-up I had a couple of genial give-and-takes with Gavin in the comments. Mann OTOH is a know-nothing prick, and his Schadenfreudic under-investigation status right now is off-the-scale enjoyment.