If I was an employee at said bank that could be valid, however, in that scenario, neither of us are going to the government to insist that it help us with our potentially poor financial decisions.
Government-dictated salary caps are pure, undiluted Fascism.
If these were private companies you could make that argument, however, as soon as the government bought even a single stock in these companies, they ceased to be private. They are now de facto government agencies and as such the government can impose whatever salaries it so desires. The complaint here should be that the government was allowed to bail out these useless companies to begin with, not that they are managing salaries for their employees.
I still stand by my premise that these companies are welfare queens, and deserve the respect that title conveys.
Even then, the prime act of Fascism was to purchase said stock. Even if I agree with all you wrote, it does not change the nature of the evil, only the timing.