I've got Crohns too, and while I haven't had a bowel resection, I've got an elevated white blood cell count (13000 - 14000) that just won't come down, and they suspect it may be caused by a combination of long term use of prednisone (20mg/day since 1985) and low levels of vitamin B12. I've been getting the injection monthly as well, but we're going to try a month of my using a 1MCG supplement daily to see if it works at all. If not, I may look into doing the IM injections myself.
I give him the injections when I’m home - I travel a lot for work - and he goes in to the doc when I’m not home. They do make a difference.
I hope you find that either the 1MCG supplement or the shots help. It’s an awful disease. I wish someone could find a cure or at least something that isn’t toxic that will help the recurrences.