Prime Minister Gordon Brown gestures as he answers a question about the forthcoming UN Climate Change summit in Copenhagen, in London. World leaders heading to UN climate talks next week must not be distracted by "flat-earth" sceptics who deny humans are to blame for global warming, Prime Minister Gordon Brown warned Saturday. (AFP/POOL/Alastair Grant)
Typical politician he's still speaking to his "base of support" ~ and no new facts may intrude.
And Gordon, in the coming struggle, WE will reject you.
Brown is a real moron. The question is, Who are the REAL “flat-earthers” here? Nature does its thing like it has done for millions and millions of years and jackasses like Brown think that man is causing everything to happen. ROTFL! Now that’s what I call a “flat-earther.” Forget Copenhagen. These pinheads should put on their robes with hoods, learn a few chants and conduct their goofy meeting at Stonehenge. Maybe Gaia can help them understand how the universe works. Dumbass politicians.
Hold entire nations in bondage.
How are those US-codec-only DVD's that Obama gifted you working out?
It is more likely we will be heading into another ice age than global warming will burn up the planet.
I’ll bet some are headed there for a higher cause: getting laid for free!
What’s brown and sounds like a bell?
The global warming thing is the biggest bunch of bs in the history of politics. Lies to justify taxes - politicians get to tax air and weather. Fantastic.