Seriously, ANY American who thinks it is perfectly fine to have a complete BLANK SLATE who refuses to fill in any of the blanks about himself or his life to enable himself the very PRIVILEGE of seeking to occupy the office of President of the United States, fully fills the bill of being “Pathetic”. Utterly Amazing!! Just continue on and celebrate and argue for your own destruction. You won’t be busy for a very long time tho, as the destruction is happening at an absolutely dizzying pace. CO
You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t support Obama or his refusal to disclose relevant information about himself that should be available to American citizens.
I don’t believe he is eligible to hold the office of POTUS based on his British/Kenyan citizenship at birth. I support challeges to his eligibility. I simply don’t believe that any of the eligibility suits thus far have legal standing. And I certainly don’t support Orly Taitz because she’s either mentally ill or an attention whore or both.
I am working on my own challenge in Texas against the Texas Democratic Party and the Texas Secretary of State to regarding the numerous Texas election laws they broke during the 2008 election and to require future absolute verification of presidential candidates’ eligibility under the Constitution.
You base your conclusions about me upon a single comment about birthers? Who’s pathetic? Don’t confuse my opinion of legal standing in the eligibility suits or my disdain for birthers who destroy the credibility of the eligibility issue with my support for Obama.