If you're simply here to tell me what's wrong with my religious beliefs, then I'm here to tell you what's wrong with yours. Fair enough?
[[If you’re simply here to tell me what’s wrong with my religious beliefs, then I’m here to tell you what’s wrong with yours.]]
OK- why don’t you begin telling me what’s wrong with mine then? Because so far- you’ve offered no coherent argument i nthat direction- prove to us all why God’s word can’t be trusted as His very word- show the evidence- show how thew word of God is suppsoedly so riddled with holes and errors that it can’t possibly be hte word of God (Warning- I’ve got a site bookmarked that lays to rest al l the silly claims, and false allegations of errancy of the bible skeptics- all the suppsoed popular ‘errors’ as put forth by skeptics, which supposedly call into question the innerancy of God’s word, aren’t infact errors. And just know that the ‘argument’ that ‘we can’t rightly know what is metaphor and what isn’t in the bible, therefore we can’t know what is mere legend and what isn’t’ has been refuted too-
“Meritt is correct to chastise those who manipulate the Bible to support doctrines of their own invention. However, this does not mean that the Bible - which is, after all, a composition of literature - cannot make use of literary techniques such as metaphor. This objection cannot be offered to replace critical evaluation, and merely begs the question of whether something is or is not being taken as “the absolute Word of God” (note that saying that something is metaphorical is not necessarily somehow saying it is not absolute; that’s another issue) without reference to genre considerations.”