Obviously the goal of the RNC to elect “republicans” has had disasterous results for the entire country, hasn’t it?
You guys that just keep repaeating over and over that we got to start at the bottom don’t get it. The RNC decides who they will push, who gets the money and ad time on TV. Bottom people do NOT have the power to change anything, and WE don’t have twenty years to slow walk Conservatives to the tops of tickets.
Totally disagree. Youre saying, I am not going to support the RNC until I am saying, I am not supporting the RNC period.” Id much rather be a part of a movement that happens to belong to a party.
If every conservative converted just ONE moderate each between now and November 2010, it is ball game over big time and for a long time. Parties follow, we need to lead.
Why the purveyors of rugged individualism look to their national party or long for that one voice to speak our mantra, when it should be deafening chorus of a massive grassroots ground swell, is beyond be me.
Give me a tea party over an RNC convention any day of the week.