Sharing the raw data along with the methods and the results should be required. Those who do not comply should be shunned. In this era of communication at light speed across the globe, the old way seems stronger than ever to me.
“Sharing the raw data along with the methods and the results should be required.”
If they are not doing that, they have no right to call it science.
The guy who invented the idea of "Open Source" software has the right idea. Put the data and methods of any scientific publication on a website, open to everyone and anyone. It'll be painful for a while as errors are caught and corrected, but science will advance more rapidly as a result.
These sleazeballs in the "fiction science" business of "climate change" are giving all of science a black eye. Yes, damn it, there ARE those of us who dedicate ourselves to learning and discovery, and we are mad as hell with those who are doing so. May many maledictions fall upon their heads!!!
Well, of course not everyone does it, but I’m just saying that there are people in every field who will willingly subvert their integrity for $$, rank, or even perversion. Scientists, Priests, and Military Officers often get lumped into the same exhaulted category, as if their motives were always pure. Hopefully most are, but there will always be those bad apples.