Are you looking for an engraved invitation or a by name explanation?
Or just an excuse to not support her?
Of all the issues to constipate over, this shouldn’t be it.
You couldn't be more wrong. Of all the issues this is the one to be MOST concerned about. Ignore this and we risk another administration with a Goldman Sachs controlled treasury and a continuation of a policy of monetary debasement in support of excessive government spending.
Above all else we need fundamental reform of our monetary and financial system. Is she for it, or agin' it? Who will be her financial and economic advisors? That's all I want to know.
Is she gonna be a big government Wall Street puppet, as were the two Bushes, or an independent agent, as was Reagan?
I like a lot of what I hear from Sarah Palin, but the answer to this important question is still unanswered as far as I'm concerned.