It would appear that the bills, which have been introduced in the House and SINate for MANY years now, are read and referred to committee where they die -- much like our babies -- a slow and painful death.
IIRC, in 2007 or 8, the House bill had over 100 sponsors and co-sponsors. I can't find anything in regard to debate of voting on any of the bills.
How is the SC the key and not CONgre$$?
The problem originated in the SC, so a simple (at least in concept) reversal of Roe V. Wade solves most of this problem. A pick up of 1 net seat for our side will clinch it. 30 states would outlaw abortion the next day. Another 10 can be picked up with time.
As for Congress, the proof of my opinion is that in all the time since 1973 they've done absolutely nothing in terms of legislation to restrict or outlaw abortion. They don't have the votes or frankly the will to do it. The Republicans will posture about it, but they're afraid of being too pro life, as far as actually getting something done. Do you really have faith that those feckless creeps in congress will do anything? Besides, I think we'd see a "Freedom of Choice Act" from Congress before we ever saw a "Right to Life Act".