There are plenty of hypocrites in the Church, but don't let that stop you from joining...we always have room for one more. :-)
Actually, threads like this make me want to run from any church. The “christians” on these types of threads hurl insults and do nothing to represent the nature of Christ that all Christians are supposed to have. Might even include your tongue in cheek slap at my “hypocracy” as an example.
Yes, the other side hurls them as well, but did Christ say to “do it to them like they do it to you”? Organized religion is a foul thing. I look at those “christians” and wonder a lot of things.
For instance, since this is a creation/ID thread. What is the creationist/ID thought on, say, what Benny Hinn has to say about Adam and his ability to fly? Now Benny has a very large following, 10’s of thousands, so does that make his view points more valid than others?