Uncommon wisdom my a**! Both of you guys are too stupid to poor pi** out of a boot. As for you Once-ler, if you think electing RINOs will actually make this country free again, your are even dumber than you sound. RINOs will take us to the same end, that is what they want, we will still be a socialist hell hole with RINOs or with dimwits, George Bush proved that with 8 years of RINO control that turned the US to sh**.
I would suggest you get off this forum since it is for conservatives and you seem to think being a liberal is the way to go. DU needs a few new recruits, perhaps you should try there.
Thank you for your insulting reply that did absolutly nothing to refute my arguement. It goes a long way towards proving how strong my arguement is.
Who are you to tell anyone to leave?