“...climate scientists and so-called sceptics,...”
So-called climate scientists...
The fact that the earth has been cooling for ten years, and the so-called climate scientists keep fudging the numbers doesn’t mean anything in the face of rising CO2 levels.
You can drag a liberal to the truth, but you can’t make them believe it. Bad politics is their god.
>> ...climate scientists and so-called sceptics,...
Said the so-called journalist.
There is more, did you see the emails where the amount of climate in the air has only increased .5%? And they have much much larger percentages in their model.
ipcc-tar-master.rtf is damning as hell, and everyone keeps talking about the damn emails.
from this doc
“The assumed atmospheric concentration figures for carbon dioxide for the SRES scenarios were included in the First Draft, but have now been deleted. Presumably you are ashamed to admit such absurd figures. Figures for all the other gases are given in Chapter 4 including ridiculously exaggerated figures for future methane concentrations.”
“47 out of 91 models listed in Chapter 9 assume that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing at the rate of 1% a year when the measured rate of increase, for the past 33 years, has been 0.4% a year. The assumption of false figures in models in order to boost future projections is fraudulent. What other figures are falsely exaggerated in the same way?”