and disband the entire military - too costly;
and sell all mil equipment - ships, planes, tanks, and missles to highest bidders;
and increase taxes;
and devalue dollar;
and print new monetary denominations to cover hyperinflation;
and increase taxes - again to pay for the National Civilian Defense Forces.
we(collectively, on the whole, on average) get exactly the government we deserve.
I will go on a limb and say that the good people here on FR generally, on average, deserve a little better than what we are currently getting.
You know what that means don’t you? It means for my first sentence to hold true, mathematically speaking, there have got to be a whole hell of a lot of pathetic worthless scumbags inhabiting this land for whom the current useless trash of a government is far too good!
The scum are outnumbering us, folks. they are taking over. This is our future as americans.