When the 2003 tax cuts expire at the end of 2010 people making $50k/yr can kiss goodbye $2500 cash/yr. People making $100K/yr can kiss goodbye $4000 cash/yr.
Not only that but the lowest rate of taxation jumps back to where it was beofre the cuts which means anyone who pays taxes will see an increase at the worst possible time ever.
Does this mean that the income you earn in 2010, come April 15th 2011, will be taxed at a higher rate than currently exists, or, 2011 income will be taxed at higher rates?
There is a tax calculator on the web that can tell you what your taxes will be.
Everything will revert back to the year 2000 tax schedules.
Using this 2000 tax schedule and what the wife and I will pay vs what we paid last year, we will be paying in a little shy of SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS MORE!!!
It stays a little lower up to an income of $99,999.
BUT, once you cross the magic number of $99,999 those "percentages owed" REALLY add up!!!!
Mmmmmm....Mmmmmm.....Mmmmmmm..... and THEN let's add some Obamacare payments........some Crap and Tax.......
Only if they suck it up and comply and I’m sure they will.