“You follow politics so you know the rationale for her resigning as Governor.”
Let me ask you honestly: what do you think is going to happen if she is president? I can tell you that the onslaught will be considerably more ferocious. That is a real question that I guarantee will be asked of her not only at GOP debates and by GOP contenders (and non-contenders) but by the Obama campaign and by liberal national debate moderators. She’s going to have to come up with a pretty convincing answer, and in this age of sound bites, one that is concise and understandable.
We’re 3 years out. It will be a non issue except for the liberal/socialist base of the Dem Party.
Her answer is and has been, "So I could fight." The longer explantion follows, but is quite reasoned. But the soundbite, "So I could fight" followed by the fact that she continues to fight is not only concise and understandable, but also quite admirable.
You can't file bogus ethics charges against the President.
I can tell you that the onslaught will be considerably more ferocious
It's already ferocious now. Ever heard of the law of diminishing returns?