The segment on Levi.....again......skillfully handled. She knows he’s a teenager and is being orchestrated into behavior that is harmful to him. Her concept/understanding of others is mature, unlike obama, where everything is about himself.
This is what I posted on C4P about Ricky Hollywood...
I personally don’t believe he shares any of those views of Sarah that he is saying. HE is being told what to say. Remember after the election he went on Tyra Banks and said how she was like a mother to him and how he would vote for her if she ran in 2012..all of a sudden now he trashes her, a complete turnaround. I think those Obama drones that he is hanging around him convinced him that if he trashes her he will be more popular with the media since he knows how the media hates her, he figures he will get more air time trashing her then going on tv praising her..the media doesn’t want people on their show praising her, they want people on their show trashing her