You are going to need to have a cut off age. If we have to sell national assets to meet obligations to those that have given significant chunks of money expecting some day to benefit from that investment, we should sell the national assets. Add means testing to SS and medicare, medicaid.
Get rid of the IRS and transition to a flat tax, git rid of onerous regulations and we will grow our way out of our current predicament.
git = get
So after I paid for forty some years into the governmental Ponzi schemes, if I was frugal and managed to actually put aside something for a rainy day and maybe even enjoy a private pension or perhaps a 401K 0r 403B, now you want to add a means test? Fine, just pay back what the government extorted from my salary before I even got to see the checks along with the time value of the money they stole. Otherwise shove your means test where the sun don't shine.
I had no choice as to participation in their shaky scams so don't try and change the rules now.
we will grow our way out of our current predicament.
Yeah, like that's gona' happen! It case you haven't noticed the Fed is busy printing money and the plan is rather obvious. They intend to inflate their way out of the hole they've dug. God help us all.
Not bad, but as to the tax, tax everybody. If you are not paying, you have no investment in fiscal responsibility.