Posted on 11/13/2009 12:11:47 AM PST by chuck_the_tv_out
Thank you. I’m glad somebody else agrees with me on this. South Park hits all sides. When they hit on the other sides, I laugh my rear off. When they made fun of my side, I laugh at the character traits they point out of conservatives (ie Glenn Beck). If people want to see a show that only makes fun of one side they should watch Family Guy.
That gag was taken from their Mormon episode.
Absolutely classic South Park.
Yeah, I loved the pirate episode was great, too. Methinks Max ?Who? is trolling for readership...
I loved them...
This South Park expert is not even on the ping list when I was handed it to me by EveningStar.
Here’s the complete list....
#1CTYankee; .cnI redruM; -=SoylentSquirrel=-; 007girl; 14erClimb; 31R1O; 537cant be wrong; 68 grunt; A. 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PhD; katana; Katya; kaylar; kbennkc; keilimon; Kellykoop; KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle; Kerretarded; kevao; KevinDavis; kevinjdeanna; killjoy; KimaraChan; Kimmers; kittycroft; ko_kyi; KoRn; KosmicKitty; KurtZ; KylaStarr; ladyinred; LanPB01; Larry Lucido; Laura Earl; lavaroise; lawgirl; layman; LayoutGuru2; Lazamataz; lds23; LdSentinal; Leisler; Leper Messiah; lesser_satan; let freedom sing; lexcorp; Liberal Classic; Libertarian_4_eva; Libertarian_DRT; LibertarianInExile; LibertyThug; Liberty Valance; libravoter; Lilfreeper; linda_22003; LisaMalia; LizardQueen; Lola Granola; LoneGOPinCT; Lonely Bull; LongsforReagan; Loose_Cannon1; Loud Mime; LoudRepublicangirl; LurkerNoMore!; Lusis; lutz; Lx; m1911; MacDorcha; macinnis; macrahanish #1; mainepatsfan; Mama Shawna; MassRepublicanFlyersFan; Malacoda; Malsua; Mama Shawna; marinamuffy; MarkeyD; MarkL; mastercylinder; MattinNJ; Maynerd; mbraynard; MeekOneGOP; meowmeow; mhking; MHT; Michael121; michaelt; MikefromOhio; misterrob; MizzouTigerRepublican; mlo; mnehrling; Modernman; Momaw Nadon; MonroeDNA; montag813; Montfort; Moonmad27; MotleyGirl70; motzman; mountainbunny; mountaineer; mozrock; Mr. Blonde; Mr. Bungle; Mr.Clark; MrBlueSky2005; MrFred; MrJingles; mtngrl@vrwc; murdoog; Nachum; NaughtiusMaximus; navynucmom; NC_Libertarian; NDpapajoe; Nefertiti; newsperson999; nhoward14; Nicholas Conradin; noblejones; Norman Conquest; norton; notaliberal; NucSubs; NucSubVet; Number57; Numbers Guy; NutCrackerBoy; nutmeg; Objective Reality; Odyssey-x; OffMyMeds; Old Dirty Bastiat; oldvike; opinionator; Orangedog; originalbuckeye; OXENinFLA; Oztrich Boy; P from Sheb; Panerai; par4; pax_et_bonum; PBRSTREETGANG; PCBMan; Peace4EarthNow; Pedantic_Lady; PennsylvaniaMom; per loin; Pete-R-Bilt; petercooper; peyton randolph; Phantom Lord; phantomworker; Phatboy; philman_36; phoenix0468; Physicist; Pikamax; PJ-Comix; Plummz; Pokey78; PokeyJoe; Polonius; Pontiac; Porterville; postaldave; PROTESTBYPROXY; Psycho_Bunny; Publius; Pukin Dog; Purple GOPer; PurVirgo; Question_Assumptions; rabidralph; rabscuttle385; radiohead; Ragtop; Rainbow Rising; Ramius; RandallFlagg; Rane _H; RangerM; rarestia; RatsDawg; rattrap; rdb3; rdww; Ready4Freddy; Reagan Disciple; ReaganGirl; Recon Dad; reformed_democrat; RedBloodedAmerican; Redcloak; ReeWalker; RepoGirl; Republican Red; republicofdavis; retrokitten; Reverend Bob; Richard Kimball; RightOnline; RightWingAtheist; rintense; Rise of South Park Republicans; RMDupree; roadtripper; Robert_Paulson2; rockchalkjayhawk; RockinRight; rockrr; Rodney King; Rome2000; Ronaldus Magnus; Rosencrantz; RubyCosmos; Rummyfan; RUSTYFISHHOOK; rwfromkansas; rwilson99; RWR8189; rzeznikj at stout; s2baccha;safeasthebanks;Salo; SamAdams76; SandfleaCSC; Sara Of Earth; SASsySIGster; satchmodog9; Saundra Duffy; SC Swamp Fox; scott says; scottinoc; Scoutmaster; SeaDragon; seamole; SeanOGuano; SeferKoheleth; SelmaLee; Senator Bedfellow; SevenofNine; sharkhawk; Shootist; ShorelineMike; sickoflibs; sinclair; Sir Gawain; Sir_Ed; skikvt; skinkinthegrass; Skywalk; SlowBoat407; Slyfox; smokinleroy; Snake65; snakedriver; snowfox; soccermom; Sociopathocracy; Sofa King; solitas; Soliv123; somniferum; SoothingDave; southern rock; SouthernFreebird; SouthParkRepublican; Space Wrangler; spald; Sparhawk; spinestein; spycatcher; Spyder; SShultz460; Stag_Man; Steel Wolf; Steve Van Doorn; Steve_Stifler; SteveBosell; StoneColdGOP; StriperSniper; Stultis; submarinerswife; subterfuge; sully777; SunStar; SusanUSA; SuzanneWeeks; sweet_diane; swlm; Sybeck1; szweig; Tailback; Talinkor; talleyman; TaxesR2High; TC Rider; Teacher317; Teacup; techcor; technochick99; Tempest; Terpesman; Terry Mross; Texaggie79; Texas Chrystal; TexRef; Textide; thchronic; the; The Blitherer; The Electrician; The Great RJ; The Las Vegas Hoodlum; The Shrew; The SISU kid; The South Park Republican; The Toll; TheAngryClam; TheBigB; thegreatbeast; TheMole; thewitz2; ThinkDifferent; this_ol_patriot; Thornwell Simons; Thoro; thoughtomator; tiggs; Timesink; timm22; Tin Cup; Tired of Taxes; Tired_of_the_Lies; TitanicMan2003; tje; tndarlin; toddly; Tony in Hawaii; tophat9000; tortoise; Tracy V.; trashcanbred; Tree of Liberty; Treeless Branch; Trillian; Triple; TroutStalker; trubluolyguy; TrueKnightGalahad; Trust but Verify; truther; try phecta tom; tstarr; Two-Bits; twstearman; Ukiapah Heep; uncitizen; Uni-Poster; Uriah_lost; Ursus arctos horribilis; US admirer; USAFJeeper; USNBandit; uvular; VA_Gentleman; valkyrieanne; VictoryGal; Vigilantcitizen; VRWC_minion; WackyKat; wallcrawlr; Wally_Bert;Warhead W-88; Watery Tart; webwizard; weikel; Welsh Rabbit; whadizit; wrhssaxensemble; WhyisaTexasgirlinPA; wi jd; wildehunt; wingnut1971; wirestripper; Witch-king of Angmar; wjcsux;Wormwood; Wrigley; WV Mountain Mama; Xenalyte; XJarhead; xJones; xjcsa; xm177e2; xpertskir; xroadie; xsmommy; YankeeReb; YoungCurmudgeon; ZEO90; zencat; Zeppelin; Zeppo; Zevonismymuse; zip; zog; zook; ZULU
They already tried to lampoon Islam and Comedy Central would not let them do it.
Who is this Max person???
Sorry...I couldn’t disagree more. Margaritaville, with Kyle’s ‘Sermon on the Mount’ and forgiving everyone’s ‘debts’ (but then Obama being given the ‘credit’ *haha* at the end) was genius. Cartman as Glenn Beck? Cartman as a blonde, compulsive abortioner, ‘confessing’ at the WTF microphone...classics.
Smug Alert? Out of the Closet? The Mormon’s Next Door...all perfect.
I coulda lived without the Queefing one.
Is Max a Family Guy writer?
Dey tuk er jehbs!
Um, I loved “Go, God, Go”. They couldn’t have been harder on Dawkins... and how could you not like the otters of the Allied Atheist Alliance shouting “Science, damn you!” :)
I thought Go!God!Go! was mostly great (especially because they skewered arrogant atheistic proselytizers) and I thought the Coon was good, non-political fun in the way that the Lord of the Rings spoof was (but of the Dark Knight, obviously.)
There’ve been some weaker episodes (still funnier than Family Guy) but I enjoyed the recent Butters episode, the Fishticks episode that killed Kanye West...I don’t know.
“Go!God!Go! was mostly great”
Yeah. That was 3 years ago as well. I try & avoid Parker-Stone stuff on christianity, because although it’s better than a lot of shows deal with the issue, they’re not Christians, and still have a lot of the same prejudices that any LA liberal has.
My least favorite bit in that one is where the girl complains that “she wants to learn everything”, but the parents are like “no you don’t shut up”. In reality the little girl would probably know more about the issue than the teachers.
That was back when they started doing sops to the left. They didn’t like, after seasons 9 & 10, being called conservatives, so they started doing all this random stuff to try and say “we’re not conservative, we’re just random”.
But no leftist believes that after team america, which is a full-auto conservative, plus the usual tacked-on contrarian scene.
Then they did the schiavo one with the bog standard “republicans are evil” theme, & they got a nice emmy for that.
Margaritaville. The chicken with its head cut off was absolutely priceless! It perfectly described the apparent level of logic in the government’s decisions.
But I agree a little with the author, that was a bright spot in a fairly average season.
Yes it was. It’s been nominated for an Emmy as well.
I disagree. I love all the South Park Episodes though some are far better than others.
They almost did in the Cartoon Wars episode but chickened out at the last second, but the point was made and IMHO it was a funny episode.
Totally agree. Something is different. Matt and Trey are apparently being “Hollywoodized” and afraid to take on the real issues.
We had a “cooler-chat” in the office last month...and rated “The Coon” episode as the overall episode of all time on SouthPark. Five guys came to this mutual decision. From this season, I’d rate four episodes as five-star (to include the Glenn Beck episode).
Can you please add me to the ping list? I was on it once before.
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