How can you read Job 41 and not conclude from the description that is isn't? In a region where a variety of whales lived in fairly large numbers in the seas surrounding the middle east why isn't there another reference to or name for the whale?
On what basis do you conclude that Behemoth is a hippo?
How can you read Job 40: 15-24 and not conclude from the description that is isn't? In a region where the hippo lived in fairly large numbers in the major and minor rivers why isn't there another reference to or name for the hippo?
The burden isn't on me to disprove your lunacy, it is on you to substantiate it.
Do whales have a nose that you can put a cord through?
Are whales known to have “fearsome teeth” or “rows of shields” on their backs?
Do whales have undersides that are like “jagged potsherds.”
As for hippos, how many of them have tails that are so big that they can be said to “sway like a cedar” tree?