Get it through your heads, people. He doesn't give a damn.
And the
Narcissist in chief delayed at least a full day before signing a proclamation for the Nation to fly the US Flag at half staff in honor of the Ft. Hood victims...
However, we Texans (upon our governor's orders) had lowered our State flags almost immediately...
‘’Who’s advising him?’’
Hell, no one worth a damn. His ‘advisors’ can’t even coach him on how to use a teleprompter without him looking like a ReaderBot-Oscillating-FanHead!
However, that’s ollld news.
B-HO is not ‘teachable’ anyway. He does not (or CAN not) authentically connect with most people, on a person to person level - IMO. Most of us here know why...
Narcissists cannot tolerate ridicule.
"The Narcissistic defense is addicted to power and control, without which he feels exposed to his real feelings of inferiority, inadequacy and worthlessness."
An emotionally hazardous work environment is a workplace lead by a narcissistic manager who believes in demonstrating power and control over employees, dominating others through a combination of direct threats and stealth methods. But when the narcissistic manager gets his (or her) feelings hurt, or perceives he has been slighted in any way, or is threatened that an employee's abilities might be better than his own, he will react with aggression. The time it takes for the narcissist to change from Mr Nice Guy to Mr Angry can be very short, and some of the methods he uses as means of control are abuse, narcissistic rage, splitting, projection, character assassination, and intimidation.
The stealth methods used by narcissistic leaders and managers can create emotional turmoil for those around them. Name calling, talking down to employees, sexual harassment, disinformation, using the 'silent treatment' for those who have slighted him are just some examples of the subtle controlling techniques that gradually but consistently erode a normal workplace into one that is cancerous. And just as with cancer in the body it can spread its malignancy throughout the organization.
You see where I'm going with this? From now on, some of the Tea Party signs that get recognition on the front pages of newspapers, should ridicule 0bama. Use his special "O" in an unspecial way. But keep it light-hearted not mean-spirited.
Make 0bama the butt of the jokes. He's definitely a butt-head and his entire life is a joke.