Posted on 11/07/2009 3:14:32 AM PST by Mount Athos
Zowie! AP says that there has been "immediate" anti-Muslim "backlash" following the mass murders by an Islamic jihadist at Fort Hood! Good gravy, what happened? Did armed bands of furious Islamophobes throw molotov cocktails at mosques? Did ferocious white supremacists maul fragile little girls in hijabs on their way to school? Did angry bigots spit at pious imams quietly going about their business?
Has there been any report of any innocent, random Muslim being attacked in a "backlash" after the Fort Hood jihad?
Nope. Not one. Americans are decent people. Americans believe people are innocent until proven guilty. But Ibrahim Hooper and his fellow thugs at CAIR need hate crimes so that they can claim victim status for Muslims and deflect attention away from such small matters as the jihad at Fort Hood, and they have the clueless and/or complicit mainstream media in their hip pocket. And so we witness the strange phenomenon of stories of Muslims fearing a backlash far outnumbering actual incidents of backlash. In fact, the score is about umpteen to zero.
And in the AP story linked above, all we get after the promise of news of "immediate" backlash are various stories about mosques and Muslims asking for special police protection, etc. So in reality, the story should be headlined, "Muslims claim victim status in wake of Fort Hood jihad attack," or "Muslim victimhood whining immediate after Fort Hood jihad massacre," or some such.
But the only actual incidents of "backlash" that AP can come up with are incidents in which people like me call the Fort Hood massacre a jihad attack -- as if it is "Islamophobic" and hateful to note that a guy shouting "Allahu akbar" as he gunned people down, and who gave out Korans hours before he started shooting people, and who expressed sympathy for suicide attackers, may just have been motivated by the Islamic jihad doctrine of warfare against unbelievers.
If that's "backlash," I'm Barack Obama. That's actually something known as "honest reporting." But what would AP know about that?
Liberals believe that if you don’t THINK what they think about something like this, it’s a “virtual backlash.”
Only that there was 'Islamophopbia'. Here is Islamophobia according to CAIR: He killed 13 ... but he was a victim, you see, because the 31 he wounded wouldn't die.
Those are 31 clear-cut cases of Islamophobia, right there.
This is from my local paper about the fretting muslims in my area:
In Ft. Myers the local mosque asked for police portection, as reported on the 10:00 news. Seemed kinda scripted on the local iman’s part. feared retribution attacks. Wher does he think he lives - the mideast?
Let me see if I understand this. A member of a radical hate group kills innocent American soldiers, and the law enforcement people are protecting their indoctrination centers and monitoring innocent Americans.
Monitor their indoctrination centers and protect innocent Americans!
After what a radical Islamic Extremist just did at Ft. Hood, after the wack jobs were arrested in N.Y., after another goon squad of Islamic wack jobs want to destroy Fort, Dix, after etc.,etc.,
WTF are we supposed to think? That they love us?
“Islamaphobia” is nothing more than a cliche invented by the same wack jobs that are trying to kill anyone who is not one of them.
I suppose they are suffering from “Christianaphobia”?.
From the article linked by CaliGirl-R:
“other Muslims still have to explain that the Quran condemns violent attacks on innocent people”
Muslims have the best pr in the whole world. They kill each other at the rate of hundreds per week, but still effectively sell the above statement.
I plan to find a mosque and spit on the sidewalk in front of it today.
I think that for the majority of what are currently calling themselves journalist a backlash is probably something they enjoy and requires leather.
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