“Fort Hood Suspect Remains in Coma (Nasty little 5.7x28)”
“The initial investigation shows that Hasan allegedly used only one gun during the attack — a 5.7-caliber semiautomatic pistol.”
20-30 round magazine so I read and three come with the pistol.
The military/police issue of the ammunition is supposed to defeat body armor. Civilians aren’t supposed to have access to that.
Even so, the round is designed for penetration. In a crowd, a killing round might go through the body and wound one or more others. In a crowd, a wounding round might go through an arm or shoulder and kill someone else.
Even using 9mm, those who carry are warned to be careful about over penetration using full metal jacket ammo, and accidently hitting an innocent bystander.
I read that thread, that pistol is very strong evidence that this was an attack, not just another distraught shooter story.
That’s why my CCW 9mm has hydroshocks - hit one target and stop.