Haha! You are college educated and read up on history revised by leftists! If you know Islamic history you wouldn’t spew the crap you do.
I’m sounding as bad as the bad guy?
You are totally insane. Laughable.
Wrong again. The professor I had used a textbook that some of the Muslim students objected to because it discussed the Satanic Verses (the Koranic verses that the Rushdie book was titled after, not the Rusdie book) and he defended his choice of textbooks and some objected to his showing of the movie and he ignored them on that, too, and didn't back down. His specialty was Late Byzantine history and the fall of Constantinople and there aren't many periods of history that highlight how Islam encroached into Europe and stayed there than that one.
Im sounding as bad as the bad guy?
When the discussion turns to ignoring the Constitution, persecuting the innocent and even genocide, yeah, it makes people in this thread sound as bad as the bad guys and a lot like the fascists that the left claims all conservatives are.