I'm betting that at least one and possibly all three have "assumed" Islamic sounding names.
It is difficult for me to believe that a field grade officer did something like that. Didn't he take his oath to protect and defend the Constitution seriously? /sarc
Promoted due to his Arabic Speaking Skills.
This country is so naive, that we take muslim immams and put them in uniform as "chaplains."
So they can recruit jihadists, and plan murder.
Re: ...”Didn’t he take his oath to protect and defend the Constitution seriously?”
Obviously not.
If, perhaps, he had not sworn “So help me God” but instead “So help me Allah” he might have.
Then again Muslims are expected to lie as long as it advances their agenda of Jihad.
Makes one wonder who else we know of might have taken a similar oath with a similar level of covert insincerity?