Ah, yes. You have no rational answer, do you?
What is this - feed the troll day? Look - she’s said time and again she wants to drill (’drill baby drill’ - ring any bells).
Now simmer down and let us enjoy Palin once again verbally pwning Biden.
Mitt, Huck, Palenty, and that ilk don’t have the background or qualifications for President.
They would be lucky to draw 100 people to a rally.
Smooth talkers won’t cut it.
They didn’t have the courage to serve their country, nor the courage to speak up or as one at the last min. to support the conservative Republican vs two left wing hacks
in a congressional election.
If you want ivy league elites, Lincoln wouldn’t have been your guy.
I laugh at the Palin bashers, always afraid to state who they are for or give the lame comment, to early to support someone.