Hussein blew through that, added, another $787B on top of it, and THEN submitted a $4 TRILLION budget....all before he adds on OBAMACARE AND CAP'N'TAX!
I blame Bush for $350B....but the rest of it falls on HUSSEIN.
And 0bama would not have the $350 billion if Bush had not signed the bailout bill into law.
Why doesn’t anyone talk about the C-Span Kanjorski interview, when he talked about $550 BILLION being taken out of the market in a matter of hours in September of 2008??? It seemingly scared the sh*t outta Bush and forced his hand into the initial “stimulus”, thinking there was going to be economic collapse.
And we ALL know a similar incident happening with the British market not so long ago...same M. O.(see my tagline...)
Bush’s $700B bailout only “spent” 1/2 of that amount...and held BACK the other half until the next administration.....Hussein blew through that, added, another $787B on top of it, and THEN submitted a $4 TRILLION budget....all before he adds on OBAMACARE AND CAP’N’TAX!
I blame Bush for $350B....but the rest of it falls on HUSSEIN.
Needs to be tatooed on the inside of every libs eyelids.