If Baramin is a scientific term so is "abracadabra". It is nothing but a pseudo-scientific fig leaf. When creationists finally acquiesced to the voluminous evidence that species had not remained absolutely fixed and unchanged since creation, they lost their war against the concept of evolution. Because the direct evidence for species divergence or speciation, is so abundant and straightforward, "scientific" creationists had to accept it or appear as irrational as those who use the Bible to argue that the earth is flat.
I suppose that the more troubling thing is that the evolutionary process has not stopped and that there will be further changes to be explained away. All available evidence suggests that, as long as living things reproduce, as long as their genes mutate, and as long as they are subjected to selection, species will continue to diverge, essentially without limit.
Nice way to chop out half a sentence to manufacture a quote. You sure are working hard to avoid admitting that your scientific term "Bullsh*t" for the group of interbreeding canid species commonly called the coyote, wolf, dog and jackal is what is BS.
Of course you want to claim the 'war against the concept of evolution' is over even though science has no term for interbreeding species and you feel you need to label the evidence BS and abracdabra.